Restylane Introduction
Are you starting to see lines and creases on your face? If you want a confident and more youthful appearance, consider softening and reducing lines with Restylane: a safe and effective treatment using hyaluronic acid to smooth out wrinkles and lines. If you want to know more about this treatment, contact Dr. X today.
Restylane filler is a dermal filler that uses naturally occurring hyaluronic acid to soften and smooth wrinkles and lines. Hyaluronic acid is a substance found in the joints, connective tissue, and skin. This substance absorbs a large amount of moisture and holds it in the tissue. The loss of moisture from the tissue is what can cause the skin to fold and sag and accelerate the loss of elasticity and collagen.



Often, the signs of aging are caused by volume loss and can be treated effectively with a dermal filler. That said, some cosmetic concerns are caused by dynamic wrinkles and can only be treated effectively with neuromodulator injections or an invasive procedure. What’s great about this dermal filler is it can safely and effectively be combined with other cosmetic treatments, like neuromodulators.


These anti-aging injections are not painful at all. Invasive procedures, like facelifts and cheek lifts, are so painful they require anesthesia and sedation. On the other hand, you won’t even need a topical anesthetic to remain comfortable during your hyaluronic acid injection session.


Yet another incredible benefit of this dermal filler is its safety. Virtually all adults who wish to volumize their skin are considered good candidates for this painless, quick, non-invasive treatment. Since its main ingredient, hyaluronic acid, is a polysaccharide produced naturally by the body, it is completely safe regardless of sensitivities. As noted above, we just need to know if you are allergic to lidocaine to determine which formula you need.

Instant Results

One thing that sets Restylane apart from other dermal fillers is the results are apparent immediately after treatment. After your injection session, you can walk out of our office with confidence knowing your skin is noticeably more volumized. Additionally, your results will continue to improve over the course of 10 to 14 days following your injections.

Minimal Preparation

Due to the non-invasive nature of this treatment, you don’t have to do much to prepare for your injection session. We will advise you on how to prepare for your anti-aging treatment during your initial consultation, but the bottom line is you should avoid skincare treatments that can inflame or irritate your skin.
Our goal is to produce natural looking results. No one should look like they had something “done”. Most of our patients receive compliments after the procedure such as “you look more well-rested”, and not “what did you have done?” Our goal is to achieve an overall softer, and therefore more youthful appearance. Everyone has a nasolabial fold, we just do not want a deep nasolabial fold . We can make some lines disappear, and others we are happy to just soften. We fill in hollows where volume has been lost. With revolumization, shadows that created a harsh look, begin to soften or disappear.
Replacing volume also lifts part of the face, such as jowls or the corners of the mouth that start to turn down with age. We target areas of the face where a little volume can make a big difference. We have been injecting fillers since they were invented.

Am I a Candidate for Restylane?

Restylane® can be used to treat a wide range of cosmetic concerns. You may be a candidate for treatments if you struggle with: Hollow areas or loss of volume along the mid-face Moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds Thinning or wrinkling lips Lines and wrinkles around the mouth (marionette lines) Loss of volume and wrinkling on hands
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Where Can Restylane Be Used?
This treatment is commonly used to smooth out wrinkles occurring on the face. The treatment can be used to fill in forehead creases and lines. We can soften crow’s feet and wrinkles near the eyes and even fill in a loss in the volume under the eyes. Marionette lines and smile lines can easily be removed with treatment. Creases on the lips can be removed.
Is Restylane Safe?
Yes, Restylane has been used by dermatologists for nearly two decades, and has the FDA’s seal of approval as a natural cosmetic dermal filler.


Contact us today to schedule your appointment with renowned plastic surgeon and face, body & breast specialist Dr. X. Take your first steps to a more confident and natural you.
123 Alphabet Street, New York City