Emsculpt Introduction
Diet and exercise can be ineffective in certain parts of the body. Fat tends to accumulate in these areas regardless of how much exercise you do or how well you eat. Due to his expertise in innovative, cutting-edge technology, Cleansing Waters Wellness has helped men and women enhance their bodies for decades. EMSCULPT body contouring is our newest addition, which adds definition to the abdominal and buttocks region without the need for downtime. It uses electromagnetic energy to help tone abs and lift the buttocks while reducing small areas of fat.
A groundbreaking new non-invasive body shaping procedure that simultaneously addresses both muscle and fat. Bringing an entirely new technology to the category, Emsculpt utilizes HIFEM® energy to induce powerful muscle contractions which builds muscles and burns fat. FDA-cleared for the improvement of abdominal tone and strengthening of the abdominal muscles, Emsculpt helps patients achieve next-level, contouring results.
What Is Emsculpt?
EMSCULPT body sculpting treatment is one of the newest innovations in body sculpting. This procedure creates a more sculpted appearance by simultaneously building muscle and burning fat. It allows healthy men and women to contour their bodies without undergoing lengthy recovery periods and without undergoing a surgical procedure.
EMSCULPT is a patented device that uses high-intensity focused electromagnetic (HIFEM) technology to induce rapid contractions in targeted muscles. As a result of these supramaximal contractions, the targeted area responds by burning fat and building more muscle. As with regular exercise, the body naturally rebuilds muscle tissue, resulting in stronger and firmer muscles. Each EMSCULPT session creates a highly effective metabolic reaction that burns fat and builds muscle. This body contouring arsenal can help men and women look more fit and lean in the stomach, thighs, glutes, or upper arms.
Benefits Of Emsculpt
Melt fat
It stimulates muscle contractions and burns fat naturally using high-intensity focused electromagnetic technology (HIFEM). As a result, the results are reliable and natural-looking
Build muscle
With Emsculpt, unlike liposuction or tummy tucks, muscles are sculpted, which improves results and produces a more sculpted look
No downtime required
Emsculpt is a non-surgical procedure that does not require a recovery period. Once your procedure is complete, you can resume your normal activities
It takes only 30 minutes
Whether you are running errands between lunch breaks or between errands, Emsculpt is a fast and easy way to lose weight
Why Choose Us For Emsculpt?
Cleansing Waters Wellness unlocks the power of cutting-edge science to help you look and feel your best. We’ve helped thousands of people just like you transform their weight, energy, and mental wellbeing with tested and proven techniques.
Emsculpt Frequently Asked Questions
What does it feel like?
The EMSCULPT procedure feels like an intense workout, as your muscles undergo a series of vigorous contractions every few minutes for a total of 30 minutes. The treatment also causes a prickling sensation.
How soon will I see the results?
After the 4 treatment series, the muscles treated will feel stronger with each treatment, with increased muscle mass occurring in about 2-4 weeks. About three months after the series is completed, there is an improvement in the overlying fat. Maintaining results requires a good exercise regimen. A 6-month interval between EMSCULPT treatments can help maintain results for many people.



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